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System Requirements
If game is not running
1. Please download all Microsoft patches, and Windows drivers.
2. Please check if there is not Webzen MuOnline client on your pc, if yes, then first uninstall Webzen via Control Panel. After that, redownload MuPlanet and try to run.
If you still have problems, please contact us via form
3. Try to edit resolution, open MuPlanet.exe, click on settings buttons, and choose correct resolution, try windowed mode, after that click safe button and launch game.
4. Try to install game on Desktop.
5. Add to you antivirus exludes(Allow) list C:\Games\MuPlanet or whatever clients is installed, if doesnt help, uninstall antivirus.
6. If you have error Local/Por or Local/Spn not found - Run C:\Games\MuPlanet\ClientLanguageFix.reg
7. If you see squares in the game instead of text, then you are missing the font called Arial Unicode MS. Open C:\Games\MuPlanet\Font, right click on file ARIALUNI.TTF and press install
Component Requirements
Operating System Windows XP
Processor Pentium 4 – 2.0 Ghz or higher
System Memory 1 GB or higher
Video Card 3D graphics processor
DirectX Version DirectX 9.0c or higher
Hard Disk Space 2 GB or higher
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